
You are viewing the development version of Beaker's documentation. It is not final and may be changed before the next release.

Downloadable documentation

You can also download the User Guide or Administration Guide in PDF format in order to read it offline.

Getting further help

The best way to interact with Beaker developers and users is in the #beaker IRC channel on The Beaker developers monitor this channel, and development discussions often happen there.

You can also ask your question by posting it to our beaker-devel mailing list.

If you’ve found a bug in Beaker, please report it in GitHub project.

Presentations about Beaker

  • Beaker’s hardware inventory system (video, slides). Nick Coghlan, Amit Saha, 2015
  • Full stack integration testing with Beaker (video, slides). Nick Coghlan, 2014
  • Scaling integration testing with Beaker (video, slides). Nick Coghlan, 2013
  • Beaker quick start guide (slides). Petr Šplíchal, 2011