
Allow installation of a user-defined distro that is not registered in Beaker

Author:Anwesha Chatterjee

Background, rationale and use cases

Currently the only way for a user to specify a distro for provisioning in a recipe XML is to use the distroRequires tag. This method requires that the distro is imported into the Beaker distro library prior to submitting the job.

This is inconvenient for the following reasons:

  • Only admins can import distro records into Beaker’s distro library.
  • When producing several kernel builds per day, it is time consuming to have to register each of them to Beaker’s distro library.
  • The user may like to specify a distro tree url for the purpose of a temporary test and therefore not want to register it to the library.

Therefore for the purpose of such time and resource constraints, as well as simply for convenience it would be nice to have the flexibility to schedule tests for a distro that is not imported into Beaker. It would mean having the ability to bypass the distro library completely, and run tests using user-defined distro metadata. An example XML structure for defining the distro metadata was mentioned by Bill in #1124474

Proposed design: user-visible changes

When submitting a job, the <distroRequires/> element will no longer be mandatory. Instead, the recipe may contain either a <distro/> element specifying a user-defined distro, or <distroRequires/> for matching a distro from the distro library as it does today. If the <distro/> element is present, it must have the following required child elements:

Location of the network installation tree, containing a suitable installer and corresponding images and packages.
Location of the initramfs image for booting the installer. This may be a path (relative to the base tree URL) or an absolute URL.
Location of the kernel image for booting the installer. This may be a path (relative to the base tree URL) or an absolute URL.
CPU architecture that this distro is compatible with, for example x86_64 or ppc64le. The provided architecture must match one of the CPU architectures registered in Beaker.
OS version expressed as the major and minor versions of this distro. The “major” attribute is mandatory, but “minor” is not.

The <distro/> element may also have these optional child elements:

Name of the distro, for example RHEL-7.5-20170918.n.0. The name is only used for display purposes. It will be shown on the recipe page, and is available for searching in the recipes grid.
Variant of the distro, for example Server. This is only used for display purposes.

An example XML <distro/> element is:

    <tree url=""/>
    <initrd url="pxeboot/initrd"/>
    <kernel url="pxeboot/vmlinuz"/>
    <arch value="i386"/>
    <name value="MyCustomLinux1.0"/>
    <osversion major="RedHatEnterpriseLinux7" minor="4" />
    <variant value="Server"/>

Proposed design: implementation details

The metadata provided as child elements in the <distro/> XML element will be stored as additional columns in the installation table. Currently the installation table is created at the time of distro provisioning.

Since the metadata is provided to Beaker at the time of job submission, the installation table will be created at the time of job submission instead. Since the data for all the columns in the table is not available at the time of job submission, the columns in question can be made nullable, and filled in at provisioning time.

The optional attributes in the <distro/> are also made to be nullable in the table.

When the user uses the traditional method of specifying distro information using the <distroRequires/> XML tag, the distro_tree column will be populated as usual, but the columns mentioned in the above table will also be populated with data parsed from the relevant distro_tree record in the Beaker distro library.

This means that the distro_tree_id column will still exist in the installation and recipe tables, but it will now be nullable.

The areas in the code that rely on and reference distro_tree such as recipe.distro_tree and recipe.installation.distro_tree will be updated to instead reference the parsed metadata present in the above columns added to the installation and recipe tables.

Deferred features

It was proposed that Beaker would accept a URL for the distro tree and beaker would then automatically retrieve and populate the metadata by parsing .treeinfo. This would be problematic as it would involve performing a HTTP request on the provided URL, and is perhaps best handled as a separate feature.