
Access Policies for Systems

Author:Dan Callaghan, Nick Coghlan


This proposal replaces the existing mechanisms for controlling access to systems with a single unified “access policy”.

Access policies

Beaker’s current system management design offers system owners little flexibility in providing access to their systems. This proposal enhances the system management capability by allowing system owners to grant varying levels of access to different users and groups.

By default, new systems have no access policy. That means no other Beaker users have permission to use the system.

A system owner can define a “custom access policy” for their system. This policy is specific to a single system. The system owner can always modify the custom policy. If the policy grants the edit-policy permission to other users, then they can edit the custom policy as well.

An access policy is a list of rules which grant any of the following permissions to any number of users or groups:

  • edit this access policy (edit-policy)
  • edit system details (edit-system)
  • loan system to anyone (loan-any)
  • loan system to self (loan-self)
  • issue power and provisioning commands (control-system)
  • reserve system (either through the scheduler when set to Automated, or via the web UI or bkr client when set to Manual) (reserve)

Access policies replace the existing mechanisms for controlling access to systems: the Shared flag and group membership.

The system owner always has complete control over their system, which means that they implicitly have all of the above permissions. The system owner’s permissions will not appear explicitly in the access policy.

Proposed user interface

Web UI

The existing Shared check box and tab on the system page will be removed.

A new tab on the system page, Access Policy, will show the system’s current access policy. It will also display the effective permissions for the current user, to make it easier for users to interpret the policy and to determine “do I have access to this system?”.

Access policies are displayed as a matrix of check boxes, with one row for each user or group in the policy, and one column for each permission. Groups are prefixed with Group: and users with User: to distinguish them. A special row, labelled Everyone, always appears as the first row: this defines permissions for all Beaker users.

To add or modify the existing permissions, check/uncheck the box corresponding to the permission and click on “Save Changes”.

Command-line client

Grant and revoke permissions:

bkr policy-grant --system
    --permission=edit_system --user=username

bkr policy-grant --system
    --permission=edit_system --group=groupname

bkr policy-revoke --system
    --permission=edit_system --user=username

Upgrading existing Beaker installations

As part of the upgrade, a migration step will map each system’s existing Shared flag and group memberships to a new access policy. The mapping will be performed as follows:

  • If the Shared flag is set and the system has no groups, the reserve permission will be granted to everyone.
  • For each group which has admin access to the system, all permissions will be granted to the group.
  • For each group which does not have admin access, if the Shared flag is set, the reserve permission will be granted to the group.

In addition, the control-system permission will be granted to everyone for all existing systems. This matches Beaker’s current behaviour, which permits any user to power any system. This default will not be applied to new systems.

Deferred features

System visibility

In future, it would be possible to add an extra permission for system visibility. This would replace the existing Secret flag with a finer-grained mechanism for controlling who can see systems which are covered by NDAs.

Predefined access policies

Besides defining custom access policy for a system, a system owner will be able to apply an existing “predefined access policy” to their system. Predefined policies have a descriptive name, such as “Company-wide shared systems” or “QE team systems”. Once a predefined policy has been created, any system owner can apply it to their system.

Note that a system owner does not automatically gain access to edit a predefined policy when they apply it to their system. In applying a predefined policy which they do not themselves control, a system owner is effectively delegating management of the permissions for their system to the user(s) responsible for the predefined policy.

This will be implemented as part of Predefined Access Policies for Systems.