
Time Limited Manual Reservations

Author:Nick Coghlan
Target Release:TBD


This proposal redesigns the current external watchdog mechanism, allowing it to be used even for systems that are not currently running a recipe. This new reservation timer is then used to offer time limited manual reservations.

To assist with voluntarily returning system loans, it is also proposed that the ability be added to indicate when reserving a system manually that the loan should also be returned when the reservation is returned.

Proposal deferral

Further work on this proposal is currently deferred, as the remote API improvements in Beaker 0.15 now allow greater control of Beaker systems from external services, and the ability to force recipe execution on Manual systems in Beaker 0.17 will further enhance that capability.

This proposal needs to be reassessed after further experience has been gained with the impact of those changes.

Recipe independent watchdog timers

A new “expiry_time” attribute will be added to reservation records.

The existing “kill_time” attribute on external watchdog records will be replaced with a reference to the appropriate reservation.

For reservations made through the job scheduler, very little will change. Wherever the kill time for the watchdog would previously have been set or modified, the expiry time on the reservation will be updated instead. The details of the currently running task and subtask will still be recorded on the watchdog and the beaker-watchdog daemon on the lab controller will still be responsible for monitoring for an expired watchdog and aborting the recipe as appropriate.

For reservations made directly through the web UI, the web UI will be updated to allow specification of a duration when taking the system. The default will continue to be no time limit, but if a time limit is requested, then the default will be 24 hours (configurable as a global Beaker server setting). If a time limit is requested, then the reservation expiry date will be set appropriately.

While a reservation is active, the reserving user may extend it through the web UI or the bkr CLI, as well as using the script on the reserved system (if that script is installed, as it is by the /distribution/reservesys task).

The reserving user may also return the system early, either by cancelling the job (for an automatic reservation), or explicitly (for a manual reservation). The script can also be called from the reserved system (if that script is installed, as it is by the /distribution/reservesys task).

While the beaker-watchdog daemons on the individual lab controllers will continue to handle reservation expiry for systems executing recipes, the Beaker scheduling daemon will periodically check for expired manual reservations and automatically return them.

Automatically returning loans

When reserving a system, a user will be able to choose to automatically return a loan. If this option is specified, then when the reservation is returned, the active system loan will also be returned.

As long as the reservation remains in effect, the user with the loan and linked reservation will be able to edit this setting.

This will be stored as a new return_loan attribute on each reservation.

(also see #651477)

User interface proposals

Web UI


Command line


Rejected features

  • Moving responsibility for watchdog expiry from the lab controller to the main server even for systems in Automated mode (as doing so would break the existing ability to execute watchdog script on the lab controller)
  • Removing the watchdog table (as doing so would require more invasive changes that aren’t needed to achieve the aims of this proposal)
  • Allowing the now deferred reservesys element to be specified at the job level, since it isn’t clear how that would work when recipe sets are run at different times.
  • Having “onpass” default to false in the now deferred reservesys element. While this is desirable in some respects, having different defaults for one of the items is difficult to document clearly.