
Job Page Improvements

Author:Dan Callaghan

Background and rationale

The job page, accessible at /jobs/<id>, displays the details of a Beaker job and the recipes in it. Similarly the recipe page, accessible at /recipes/<id>, displays the details of an individual recipe. Both pages use the same underlying TurboGears widget, called the recipe widget in Beaker’s source code. The recipe page displays a single recipe widget, whereas the job page displays one or more recipe widgets grouped into recipe sets with job information at the top.

The layout and user interface of the job and recipe pages have remained substantially unchanged since scheduling capabilities were first added to Beaker in 2009. In the years since then, our experience with the UI and feedback collected from users have revealed some weaknesses with the current design.

The known weaknesses are enumerated below, grouped into thematic areas. These are the problems which this redesign is aiming to solve.

  • Reviewing, commenting, and waiving results
    • The UI for reviewing a recipe set is problematic:
      • There is no indication that a comment is present.
      • To find or view the comment requires opening a modal.
      • Editing a comment requires opening a second modal from the first modal.
      • The horizontal position of the review widget is not consistent due to the use of a 100% width table.
      • The success notification when the review is saved affects the height of the interface so it causes everything to be re-flowed when it is displayed, and then again when the notification disappears.
    • Comments and reviews can only be added to recipe sets, not to individual recipes, tasks, or results. In particular, the ability to “nak” (waive) failures for individual tasks is useful for the job matrix (#994422).
    • Comments are assumed to be short and to fit on a single line, but they often do not, for example if they include links to one or more bugs (#1122682).
  • Whiteboards
    • There is a job whiteboard and recipe whiteboard, but no recipe set whiteboard. If a job has multiple recipe sets it would be useful to describe each one with a whiteboard value.
    • Beaker assumes the recipe and job whiteboards are short and fit on a single line. The UI effectively treats it like a title for the job or recipe. It’s used that way in job completion notification e-mails, the jobs grid, the recipes grid, on the job and recipe pages, and in the job matrix. However, because there is no way to attach arbitrary metadata to a job, recipe set, or recipe (#1112131), the whiteboard is often used for that instead.
    • There is no way to edit the recipe whiteboard (#850828).
  • Logs
    • Beah produces a lot of debug logs on each task, but they are normally not useful unless debugging a problem with Beah itself. Otherwise they just add clutter (#584518).
    • Task logs are listed in the order in which they were uploaded, but Beah uploads logs in a non-deterministic order so the logs are displayed in random order.
    • The traditional RHTS scripts produce result logs with filenames that are quite long (so as to be unique in the filesystem layout used by RHTS) but the filenames are generally devoid of useful information.
    • Recipe logs are all displayed together in one list, but they can be from during the installation or from during recipe execution (if supported by the harness). console.log is a special case because it covers both installation and recipe execution.
  • Display issues
    • The recipe widget displays data in a space-inefficient way (#1013445). Its arrangement is somewhat arbitrary and not conducive to quick scanning.
    • Very large jobs are difficult to navigate on the job page. The user needs to scroll around to find the right recipe, particularly when one or more recipes’ results are being displayed (#1014440). There is no way to link to a recipe set within a large job (#894137).
    • Very large recipes are difficult to navigate and their results are expensive to render (both server side and in the browser).

In addition, the job and recipe pages do not display the following information at all. Some of this information is related to newer Beaker features which were never added to the recipe widget because there was no good way to fit it into the existing design.

  • Installation status and timestamps: rebooted, started, done. #991245
  • Job submitter. This can be different to the job owner when the job was submitted by a submission delegate. #995009
  • Install options which were specified in the submitted job XML: kickstart metadata, kernel options, repos, packages, partitions.
  • Scheduler settings in the job XML: autopick, watchdog.
  • Generated kernel options which Beaker passed to Anaconda.
  • Task parameters. This is particularly important when a recipe runs multiple instances of the same task with varying parameters. #786793
  • Recipe roles and task roles.
  • Reservation request. It would also be useful to have a UI to edit the reservation request for a running recipe. #1162500

The job and recipe pages are attempting to convey two distinct sets of information: the job details and configuration as it was submitted by the user (what the user requested to happen), versus the results of provisioning and running the job (what actually happened). Many of the problems above stem from the fact that these two sets of information are not clearly distinguished in the UI currently.

Use cases

In order to drive the design process we assembled the following list of use cases, based on our understanding of how users need to interact with jobs and recipes in Beaker. The redesigned job and recipe pages are aiming to satisfy all of these use cases.

The use cases are ordered by importance, starting from the most common or important. The relative order of the use cases gives us a reference point when deciding how prominently an action or piece of information should be placed. The most commonly needed information should be the most quickly accessible and most prominent. Similarly, the most commonly performed tasks should be the easiest to achieve.

  1. I’ve submitted a job and I want to check whether it’s started yet.
  2. My job failed so I want to figure out why. There are a number of different things I might want to find out, depending on the failure mode and the specifics of my job:
    • Did the install succeed?
    • What was the first failing result?
    • Are there any useful messages in the task logs?
    • Are there any useful messages in other system logs (daemons, kernel messages) at around the same point in time?
    • As a last resort, is there anything unusual in the console log?
  3. I expected my job to have finished but it’s still running, so I want to figure out why.
  4. I used the reserve workflow to provision a system or distro to experiment on. I didn’t get the reserve notification and I want to figure out why. (This is a special case of UC#3 where the user does not care about any task results, only about problems with the install.)
  5. I used the reserve workflow to provision a system, and now I’m done with the system so I want to return it.
  6. My job completed successfully and produced some important results (for example, benchmarking results) so I want to view or export the results.
  7. My job results have revealed a bug in the system under test (for example, the kernel or Anaconda). I want to convey the relevant details to the developers so they can identify and fix the bug. The developers might not know or care about Beaker.
  8. I’m looking at an old job and I want to remember what it did and what it was for.
  9. There is a failing result in my job and I want to make a note of why it failed, for future reference.
  10. There is a false negative in my job and I want to exclude the failure from the job matrix view.
  11. I want my job results to be retained so I can refer to them permanently.
  12. I changed my mind and don’t need my job anymore, so I want to cancel it and/or delete it.
  13. I am trying to reproduce a failure from my own or someone else’s job, so I want to clone the job, perhaps with modifications (such as adding <reservesys/>).
  14. I’m developing a Beaker task and I want to understand how it behaves when I run it, or to debug some problems with it.
  15. I’m writing a tool to manipulate Beaker jobs and I want to store arbitrary metadata against the job for my tool’s own purposes.

Additional constraints:

  • These use cases assume that Beaker itself is working properly. In other words, the user interface is not optimized for finding bugs in Beaker itself.
  • All information about a job should be conveyed in Beaker’s UI. Expecting users to read the job results XML is not an acceptable solution.

Proposed design

The job page will include a header identifying the job ID, owner, and group. The header will include buttons for job actions (Edit, Clone, Cancel, Delete). Underneath the header, job metadata and the job whiteboard will be presented side by side.

Below that, all recipes in the job will be presented in a grid view, with a one-line summary of each recipe and a link to the recipe page. The grid view will be grouped by recipe set, and guest recipes will be grouped with their host recipes using indentation to reflect the hierarchy.

In each recipe set row, a speech bubble icon will appear to indicate the ability to comment as well as the presence of any existing comments.

[screenshot of proposed job page]

This represents a significant change compared with the current job page: individual recipe results will no longer be displayed inline on the job page. Instead, the job page’s primary purpose will be finding recipes within the job, and viewing and editing job metadata. In a future release the job page could be expanded to allow selecting multiple recipes in the job and comparing their results (see the deferred feature list below).

The recipe page heading will be R:<id>, rather than J:<id> as it is currently. The page will include some wording with a hyperlink to relate the recipe back to its containing job: “recipe 1 of 8 in J:<id>”.

Below that will be three quick info boxes, following the same style as the system page quick info boxes. One will show the distro tree and system which were selected for the recipe. The second will show the recipe whiteboard. The third quick info box will show a link to the console log, and the watchdog time remaining if the recipe is running.

Remaining UI elements will be split into three tabs covering the three major steps in a recipe: system provisioning and installation, task execution, and (optional) reservation. The default displayed tab will depend on the current state of the recipe.

The tasks tab will show an overall summary of task execution at the top, giving the most important information at a glance. Each task in the recipe will be listed with one row per task, showing the ID, relative starting time, task name, and an inline summary (think Gmail’s conversation list). The inline summary will the task role, and can be expanded in future to show a task whiteboard or distinct task parameters for repeated tasks (#786793).

Within the list of tasks, when a task row is expanded it shows the complete task details. This expanded view has two panes: one shows the results (what actually happened), with relative timestamps aligned with the task timestamps so that the temporal relationship is clear. The other pane shows task settings (what the user requested) such as parameters, role, and whiteboard.

By default when the recipe page loads, the currently running task is expanded. If all tasks are finished, the first failing task is expanded.

Each task and result row will include a link to the most important log, and an additional icon link which opens a popover listing all logs. For tasks executed with the default harness and RHTS scripts, the primary log for a task is TESTOUT.log and for a result test_log*.log.

Similar to the job page, a speech bubble icon indicates the ability to comment as well as the presence of any existing comments. The tasks tab will allow commenting on each task and result.

[screenshot of proposed recipe page, tasks tab]

The installation tab of the recipe page will show a quick summary at the top, matching the layout of the summary on the tasks tab. Installation logs will also be included, following a similar approach to task logs.

The rest of the installation tab will have two panes, matching the task details. One pane will show the installation progress using check-in timestamps and kickstart and kernel options generated by Beaker (what actually happened). The other pane will show recipe settings (what the user requested): kickstart metadata, repos, packages, and partitions.

[screenshot of proposed recipe page, installation tab]

On the reservation tab, Beaker will show whether a reservation was requested and its requested duration. If the recipe is still running, the job owner can adjust the request. If the recipe is currently reserved, it will have buttons to extend or release the reservation.

[screenshot of proposed recipe page, reservation tab]

If the recipe has not released its system because other recipes in the recipe set are not finished yet, the reservation tab will also display this fact. “The system has not been released yet because the following recipes are still running: …”

Deferred features

The following job-related features are desirable but have been ruled out of this proposal, in order to minimize its scope:

  • Task whiteboards. We have a place in the UI to show these but they are not implemented yet, because there are some unanswered questions such as where to edit them.

  • Waiving individual results. This has some unresolved implications on the job matrix and other parts of Beaker, so this proposal only covers the existing functionality of waiving (“nak’ing”) recipe sets.

  • Commenting on individual recipes, because we have not figured a way to display them consistently with other comment types across both the job page and recipe page.

  • Tracking extensions to a reserved recipe.

  • Reporting a problem with a system from the recipe page directly. This functionality is available on the existing recipe page, but it is omitted from this new design. Placing a button for it in the recipe status quick info box would make the button into the most prominent UI element on the whole page, but it is not an important enough feature to warrant that. Users can still report a problem with the system by clicking the link to the system page.

    In future we envisage a dedicated page for viewing the console log (with streaming support) which could also include a shortcut for reporting a problem with the system.

  • Reviewing results across multiple jobs. We have job matrix for this already, and it’s not perfect, but any improvements to it are out of scope for this proposal.

  • Correlating results across multiple recipes within a job (timeline views).

  • Handling of recipe logs. For now we will assume that all recipe logs (aside from console.log which will be special-cased) are actually installation logs from Anaconda.

  • Streaming view for logs (#591403).

  • Features for further analysis of results, beyond just conveying what the results were. For example, log searching and associating results with a bug report.

  • Interface for filing a bug based on results (#8076551).