
Stable Harness API

Author:Dan Callaghan
Status:Implemented (with minor modifications)

Beah, the Beaker harness, currently uses XML-RPC methods exposed by beaker-proxy to communicate with Beaker. This API has evolved organically, in lock-step with Beah itself, and was derived in part from older APIs in RHTS. In some cases it is awkward to use. It has never been documented and is not considered a public or stable interface by the Beaker developers.

As a first step toward supporting alternative harnesses in Beaker, it is recognised that a stable, documented harness API is needed. This proposal is for a new harness API which covers roughly the same functionality as the existing XML-RPC API, but with a cleaner design. Developers who are working on integrating other harnesses with Beaker will be encouraged to use this new API. The existing XML-RPC API will remain as an internal-only implementation detail.

The existing XML-RPC API provides the following functionality to the harness:

  • fetching recipe details
  • fetching task details
  • extending the watchdog
  • marking tasks as running or completed
  • recording results
  • uploading logs

The new API covers the same areas. It also covers how Beaker configures the harness.

Environment variables

Beaker will configure the following system-wide environment variables. When installed, a harness implementation must arrange to start itself on reboot and then configure itself according to these values.

Base URL of the Beaker lab controller. The harness communicates with Beaker by accessing HTTP resources (described below) underneath this URL.
The fully-qualified domain name of the lab controller to which this system is attached. This will always match the hostname portion of BEAKER_LAB_CONTROLLER_URL but is provided for convenience.
The ID of the Beaker recipe which this system is currently running. Use this to fetch the recipe details from the lab controller as described below.
Base URL of the Beaker server. Note that the harness should not communicate with the server directly, but it may need to pass this value on to tasks.

HTTP resources

The lab controller exposes the following HTTP resources for use by the harness. All URL paths given below are relative to the value of the BEAKER_LAB_CONTROLLER_URL environment variable.

When using the POST method with the resources described below, the request body must be given as HTML form data (application/x-www-form-urlencoded).

GET /recipes/(recipe_id)/

Returns recipe details. Response is in Beaker job results XML format, with application/xml content type.

POST /recipes/(recipe_id)/watchdog

Extends the watchdog for a recipe.

Form Parameters:
  • seconds – The watchdog kill time is updated to be this many seconds from now.
Status Codes:
POST /recipes/(recipe_id)/status

Updates the status of all tasks which are not already finished.

Form Parameters:
  • status – The new status. Must be Completed or Aborted.
Status Codes:

Typically the harness will update the status of each task individually as it runs (see below). This is provided as a convenience only, for example to abort all tasks in a recipe.

POST /recipes/(recipe_id)/tasks/(task_id)/status

Updates the status of a task.

Form Parameters:
  • status – The new status. Must be Running, Completed, or Aborted.
Status Codes:

Tasks in Beaker always start out having the New status. Once a task is Running, its status may only change to Completed, meaning that the task has completed execution, or Aborted, meaning that the task’s execution did not complete (or never began) because of some unexpected condition. Once a task is Completed or Aborted its status may not be changed. Attempting to change the status in a way that violates these rules will result in a 409 Conflict response.

POST /recipes/(recipe_id)/tasks/(task_id)/results/

Records a task result. Returns a 201 Created response with a Location header in the form /recipes/(recipe_id)/tasks/(task_id)/results/(result_id).

Form Parameters:
  • result – The result. Must be Pass, Warn, Fail, or None.
  • path – Path of the result. Conventionally the top-level result will be recorded as $TEST, with sub-results as $TEST/suffix, but this is not required. If not specified, the default is /.
  • score – Integer score for this result. The meaning of the score is defined on a per-task basis, Beaker intentionally enforces no meaning. If not specified, the default is zero.
  • message – Textual message to accompany the result. This is typically short, and is expected to be displayed in one line in Beaker’s web UI. Use the log uploading mechanism to record test output.
Status Codes:
PUT /recipes/(recipe_id)/logs/(path: path)
PUT /recipes/(recipe_id)/tasks/(task_id)/logs/(path: path)
PUT /recipes/(recipe_id)/tasks/(task_id)/results/(result_id)/logs/(path: path)

Stores a log file.

Status Codes:

Use the Content-Range header to upload part of a file.

GET /recipes/(recipe_id)/logs/(path: path)
GET /recipes/(recipe_id)/tasks/(task_id)/logs/(path: path)
GET /recipes/(recipe_id)/tasks/(task_id)/results/(result_id)/logs/(path: path)

Returns an uploaded log file.

Use the Range header to request part of a file.

GET /recipes/(recipe_id)/logs/
GET /recipes/(recipe_id)/tasks/(task_id)/logs/
GET /recipes/(recipe_id)/tasks/(task_id)/results/(result_id)/logs/

Returns a listing of all uploaded logs.

Possible response formats include an HTML index (text/html) or an Atom feed (application/atom+xml). Use the Accept header to request a particular representation. The default is HTML.

Provisional period for the API

Before we commit to preserving a stable interface essentially forever, we need to have some confidence that the interface is useful and convenient for harness implementations to use. The best way to validate the interface is to build (or encourage others to build) harness implementations which use it.

Therefore, in its initial release the harness API will be considered “provisional” (and documented as such). In future releases we might make minor changes, removals, or additions in order to make the API more convenient for harness implementations, depending on feedback received after the initial release.

Once the API has been validated, it will be declared “stable” and no further backwards-incompatible changes will be made to it.

User-defined harness per recipe

Part of the stable interface is standardizing how Beaker configures the harness. With this in place, we can add a simple way for users to select an alternative harness on a per-recipe basis.

A new kickstart metadata variable, harness, will be defined. Its default value is beah. When set to beah, the existing kickstart template logic for configuring /etc/beah_beaker.conf and installing Beah is used. When set to any other value, Beah-specific parts of the template are skipped. Instead, the kickstart will contain a command to install the named harness.

This means the default behaviour is unchanged. If a user wants to use an alternate harness they can configure their job XML as desired, for example:

<recipe ks_meta="harness=mylittleharness">
        <repo name="mylittleharness"
              url="" />

The generated kickstart for this recipe will contain the following line in a %post section:

yum -y install mylittleharness

which will cause the mylittleharness package to be installed from the user’s custom yum repo.

The value of the harness variable will be substituted directly into the yum install command line. Note that this means the harness variable may contain any valid package specification accepted by yum, including one or more package names or absolute package URLs.

Rejected features

The following ideas were brought up during discussions of this proposal, but they will not be implemented for the reasons given.

Adding tasks to a running recipe

There is no mechanism for the harness to add tasks to an existing recipe. A recipe is an immutable sequence of one or more tasks for the harness to execute. A cloned recipe should produce the same execution as its original recipe, but this would be violated if the harness has added extra tasks.

In addition, adding tasks to an existing recipe introduces the possibility that the recipe’s state could go backwards, from Completed to Running. This would violate an invariant which is relied on by a lot of code in Beaker, and by its users.

The recommended way for the harness to deal with the situation where a single task (from Beaker’s point of view) actually contains many “sub-tasks” (from the harness’ point of view) is to report multiple results for the task, each under a different path.

Deferred features

The following ideas were brought up during discussions of this proposal, but they will not be addressed by this first provisional version of the API.

Harness configuration per recipe

Currently the harness is configured in two ways: Beaker passes configuration through system-wide environment variables, as described above; and tasks provide metadata to the harness, such as their expected runtime and desired environment (testinfo.desc for RHTS-format tasks). However, there is no mechanism to override this configuration from the job XML.

It is desirable to allow users to pass arbitrary harness-specific configuration from their job XML, either globally at the recipe level, or at the individual task level.

One possibility is to allow the job XML to override or extend the task metadata for a given task, by using the same fields as in testinfo.desc. However, it’s not clear how this could be represented in XML, nor how it would extend to harnesses/tasks which don’t use the RHTS-like testinfo.desc metadata.

Complete representations for every resource

By convention, all of the HTTP resources described above should also allow GET requests, returning some useful representation. However, designing future-proof response formats for all those resources is not trivial, so they are not included in this proposal. The monolithic results XML (as returned by GET /recipes/(recipe_id)/) may not be the most ideal format, but it does include all information about a recipe (except for logs) and has the advantage of being well-established in Beaker.

Once these future response formats have been designed, they can also be used for requests instead of the simple form encoding as defined in this proposal.

Aborting an entire recipe set or job

The XML-RPC API includes methods for the harness to abort an entire recipe set (recipeset_stop) or job (job_stop), but there is no equivalent functionality defined in this API. It is not clear that this capability is useful or desirable. An alternative is to offer the job submitter control over what kinds of failures result in aborting all or parts of the job (see for example Nick Coghlan’s suggestions).

Harness check-in

As harness implementations proliferate, it may be useful to encourage harnesses to report their name, version, and configuration to Beaker as a “harness check-in” step at the start of the recipe. Beaker can display this information to users, to make it clear which harness implementation ran their recipe.

In future a check-in step may be formalised as part of this API, but for now harnesses are encouraged to report these details as a recipe log with a consistent and obvious name (for example, harness-checkin.log).

Storing results and logs in external systems

There are no plans to integrate Beaker itself with any specific tool for managing test runs and results. But a harness implementation may choose to report its results to an external tool in addition to (or instead of) reporting results to Beaker. In this case it would be useful for the Beaker results to contain a reference to the corresponding results in the external tool.

One possibility is to allow “remote” logs – that is, logs registered in Beaker but stored elsewhere. Beaker would record only the remote URL associated with the log.

Another possibility is to allow an optional URL to be associated with each result, which is presented as a hyperlink in Beaker’s web UI.