
Writing a patch

Create a local working branch

Start by creating a local git branch where you will commit your work:

git checkout origin/develop -b myfeature

This will create a local git branch called myfeature that is associated with the upstream develop branch for easy rebasing.

Beaker uses a number of Javascript libraries which are tracked using git submodules. You must run git submodule init followed by git submodule update to clone them.

For new features and any invasive bug fixes (e.g. those requiring database changes), the working branch should be based on origin/develop as shown.

For bug fixes that don’t require invasive changes, then the working branch should be based on the latest release branch. For example, if the latest release shown on the release download page is Beaker 27.4, then local branches to work on bug fixes should be created with a command like:

git checkout origin/release-27 -b bz123456_fix_this_bug

Including the bug number in the branch name isn’t required (since the branch name is never published to anyone else), but it’s a useful reference point when working on multiple patches in parallel.

Develop against a production database snapshot

If possible, load a large, realistic database dump into your local Beaker database before you start writing any code, rather than starting from an empty database. This will give you a more realistic picture of how your code will perform in real world conditions.

Beaker core developers can use a database dump from Red Hat’s production Beaker instance for their development, which will help to reveal potential problems in your patch when it has to run against tables containing tens or hundreds of millions of rows.

After you have loaded and migrated a database snapshot, perform the following steps to safeguard data and avoid interfering with production systems:

  1. Set all user passwords to NULL:

    UPDATE tg_user SET password = NULL;
  2. Set the power settings stored in the power table to NULL:

    UPDATE power SET power_address = NULL, power_user = NULL, power_passwd = NULL;
  3. In order to log in, set the password for a user. For example:

    UPDATE tg_user SET password = sha("admin") WHERE user_name = "admin";

Testing your patch

While working on your patch, you can run individual test cases as you add or update them. For example:

cd IntegrationTests/
./ -sv bkr.inttest.server.selenium.test_recipes:RecipeHTTPTest.test_anonymous_cannot_update_recipe

Once your code is ready, you can run all the tests for a particular page, command, or area of functionality to check for unintended side effects:

./ -v bkr.inttest.server.selenium.test_recipes

You can also run the complete test suite (but bear in mind that it takes over 2 hours to run, and Jenkins will do this for you once your patch is posted to GitHub):


The script is a thin wrapper around nosetests which sets up PYTHONPATH for running from a git checkout.

Once you’ve verified the patch passes the test suite, commit it to your local branch:

git commit

You can also run the Beaker test suite in Beaker (assuming you have access to a working Beaker instance) using the /distribution/beaker/dogfood task. If your Beaker instance doesn’t already have a copy of this task, you can build it from Beaker’s source under the Tasks subdirectory. You can base your job on this sample dogfood job XML.

Building RPMs

You can use Misc/ to build Beaker RPMs for testing:

Misc/ -bb

or if you have Mock or Koji suitably configured, you can generate an SRPM and build from that:

Misc/ -bs

You may first need to install all the build dependencies using yum-builddep beaker.spec. The Misc/ script will build from the HEAD commit in git, so make sure you have committed your changes to your local branch.

If the patch changes an existing feature or adds a new one, then ideally the relevant documentation should be updated. Also note that linking the documented feature to the release notes, and/or using the ‘versionchanged/versionadded’ directive where appropriate is encouraged.

Submitting your patch

The Beaker project uses the GitHub. All patches are reviewed in GitHub before being merged.

You can read official GitHub documentation for submitting patches.

Exceptions to the review process

Core developers are permitted to bypass the review process by setting the review on their own patches in at least the following circumstances:

  • when minor fixes have been made to a previously approved documentation patch (documentation patch reviews are mainly aimed at overall structure and picking up omissions and technical errors. Fixing a typo or grammar error doesn’t require restarting the entire review process)
  • updating the git submodules for the documentation (this may be pushed directly to git, bypassing GitHub entirely)
  • design proposal updates (design proposals should generally be discussed on the development mailing list rather than in a GitHub review, although the latter can be useful for line-by-line commenting on specific details)
  • technical road map updates (the overall technical road map is only updated by, or at the direction of, the Beaker Development Lead, rather than using the regular change review process)
  • any changes to the beaker-administrivia repo (these scripts are just used to help with issue management and status tracking, and don’t directly impact the actual functional code, tests or documentation)

As other exceptional cases are identified, they will also be noted here.