
Theming the web interface

You can apply custom styles and markup to Beaker’s web interface, for example to make it match a common look-and-feel for your organization, or to add extra links to site-specific resources.

Adding custom Less rules

Beaker uses the Less preprocessor to generate CSS. You can define a site-specific Less source file, in order to add extra styles or to re-define variables used by Beaker’s styles. Create a new .less file in /usr/share/bkr/server/assets containing your custom rules, and then update the site.less symlink to point to your Less source file. By default this symlink points to /dev/null.


If you update the site.less symlink to point at a file with a modification time older than Beaker’s other .less source files, Beaker will not re-generate its CSS. This is due to the asset caching which is based on modification times. In this case you can force the CSS to be re-generated by removing /var/cache/beaker/assets/*.css and reloading Apache.

For example, to add a custom background image to Beaker’s footer:

footer {
    padding-left: 120px;
    background-image: url('my-logo.svg');
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-size: 110px auto;

For more information about Less language syntax, refer to the Less language documentation.

Injecting custom markup

To inject markup into every page of Beaker’s web interface, configure a custom site template in /etc/beaker/server.cfg:

tg.sitetemplate = "my_package.my_sitetemplate"

The site template must be a Kid template, available on the system Python path (for the above example it would be /usr/lib/python2.x/site-packages/my_package/my_sitetemplate.kid). The template should contain a root element as follows:

<html xmlns=""

Inside the root element, define one or more py:match directives to match and replace markup. For example, to add an extra link to Beaker’s Help menu:

<ul py:match="item.get('id') == 'help-menu'" py:attrs="item.items()">
    <li py:replace="item[:]"/>
    <li><a href="">Internal Docs</a></li>

For more information about Kid template syntax, refer to the Kid documentation.