
You are viewing the development version of Beaker's documentation. It is not final and may be changed before the next release.

What’s New in Beaker 26?

Beaker 26 uses Restraint as the default test harness for newer OS releases, along with a number of other changes in default behaviour.

Restraint as the default harness

Restraint is now the default test harness, for recipes running Fedora 29 and above, and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 and above.

As in previous Beaker releases, you can select a specific test harness by defining harness=restraint or harness=beah (or any other alternative harness package) in the kickstart metadata of your recipes.

For backwards compatibility, Beah remains the default harness on all earlier releases (Fedora 28 and earlier, and RHEL7 and earlier). However Restraint is also fully supported on these releases, and you can opt in to it if you want to transition all your testing to consistently use Restraint.

To coincide with this change, Beaker will no longer populate task requirements in the %packages section of the kickstart, for recipes running Fedora 29 and above or RHEL8 and above. Restraint will install each task’s requirements when it executes the task. On earlier releases Beaker will continue to populate task requirements in %packages for compatibility with Beah.

You can override this behaviour by defining install_task_requires in the kickstart metadata for your recipe (or undefining it by using !install_task_requires). If the variable is defined, task requirements will be populated in the %packages section, causing them to be installed by Anaconda.

Additionally, to ease the transition from Beah to Restraint, if a recipe used Restraint then Beaker will redirect HTTP requests for task log files named TESTOUT.log to the corresponding log file produced by Restraint, taskout.log. This allows external scripts which assume the presence of TESTOUT.log to continue working unmodified.

(Contributed by Róman Joost in #1589610 and #1589614 and Dan Callaghan in #1622805.)

New task for installation checking

Beaker now provides a new task, /distribution/check-install, for collecting diagnostic information about the installation which was done at the start of each recipe. It replaces the existing /distribution/install task which is now deprecated.

The new task name is intended to reduce confusion about the purpose of the task (it is not installing an operating system, it is just reporting back on the installation which Beaker has done).

The new task also carries a very minimal dependency footprint, unlike the original /distribution/install task which installs a significant number of unnecessary packages for historical reasons.

The existing /distribution/install task remains unchanged and will continue to be supported. The bkr workflow commands will now schedule /distribution/check-install as the first task in the recipe for Fedora 29 and above and RHEL8 and above. They will continue to schedule /distribution/install as the first task in the recipe for Fedora 28 and earlier and RHEL7 and earlier. Other tools which submit jobs to Beaker can switch to using /distribution/check-install at their discretion.

(Contributed by Dan Callaghan in #1188539.)

Recipes without pre-built harness packages

By default, when Beaker provisions a system it will configure a Yum repository named beaker-harness which contains the test harness and other packages to be installed on the systems under test. This repo is served from the /var/www/beaker/harness/osmajor/ directory on the Beaker server. See beaker-repo-update for the administrative command to populate the harness repos.

If Beaker cannot find a suitable harness repo for a given recipe, it will abort the recipe with the message “Failed to find repo for harness”.

However, in some cases it is not desired or expected that Beaker should provide harness packages for the recipe. For example, when using the “contained harness” support (see Running tests in a Container), or when using a custom distro which is not compatible with existing releases.

Beaker now supports a new kickstart metadata variable, no_default_harness_repo. If you define this variable, Beaker will not configure the beaker-harness Yum repository and it will not check that any suitable harness packages are cached on the server. You should ensure that you supply working harness packages in some other way, for example by configuring your own harness repo using the <repo/> element in your job XML.

(Contributed by Róman Joost in #1599136.)

Bug fixes

A number of bug fixes are also included in this release:

  • #1625234: The anamon installer monitoring script will not attempt to run the Python 3 version of the script in /usr/libexec/platform-python if it is a Python 2 interpreter (which is the case in RHEL7.6). In that situation, it will fall back to running the Python 2 version of the script in /usr/bin/python as before. (Contributed by Jeffrey Bastian)
  • #1620334: Beaker now accepts integers of up to 10 digits for the “score” when a task is reporting a result. Previously the score was limited to 8 digits, and would be recorded as 99999999 if a value with more than 8 digits was given. (Contributed by Dan Callaghan)
  • #1630884: Beaker now accepts strings of up to 241 characters for the firmware version field in device information. Previously a version string of more than 32 characters (which is uncommon but not impossible) would cause the hardware scan to fail with a DataError exception. (Contributed by Dan Callaghan)
  • #1624909: The beaker-wizard utility now accepts CVE identifiers with 4 or more digits after the year portion (for example, CVE-2018-10000). Previously it expected the numeric portion to be exactly 4 digits. (Contributed by Róman Joost)
  • #1297603: The internal database representation of “dirty” jobs has been changed and the query used by the scheduler to find them has been simplified, in order to improve the scheduler’s performance. (Contributed by Dan Callaghan)
  • #991269: The beaker-watchdog daemon has been restructured to use gevent and its error handling has been improved. Previously the daemon would crash with no useful log messages when it encountered certain error conditions from the Beaker server. (Contributed by Dan Callaghan)
  • #1622753: Beaker now passes the -d 1 option when it is invoking yum commands on RHEL4, to prevent older versions of yum from printing a large number of hashes to the serial console as part of its progress bars. Newer versions of yum use a less noisy progress bar implementation and so this option is not required on RHEL5 and above. (Contributed by Dan Callaghan)

Maintenance updates

The following fixes have been included in Beaker 26 maintenance updates.

Beaker 26.1

  • #1618344: Previously, the /distribution/virt/install task would fail to install the guest on RHEL8 because Python 2 was not available. The task now correctly requires a Python 2 interpreter.
    (Contributed by Dan Callaghan)
  • #1619545: Previously, the /distribution/reservesys task would fail to send email when the system was ready on RHEL8 recipes. The task now correctly starts the Postfix MTA on RHEL8.
    (Contributed by Dan Callaghan)
  • #1640892: In Beaker 26.0, the default harness for RHEL-ALT-7 was unintentionally changed to Restraint. The default harness for RHEL-ALT-7 has been fixed to use Beah.
    (Contributed by Bill Peck)
  • #1642525: The beaker-init tool now recognizes 26 as a valid Beaker version.
    (Contributed by Chris Beer)
  • #1643139: Fixed a regression introduced in Beaker 26 which caused a ‘RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration’ failure to appear in the beaker-watchdog logs.
    (Contributed by Chris Beer)

Beaker 26.2

  • #1638258: Previously, kickstart installation would fail with ks_meta=manual. Kickstart command ignoredisk –interactive is used in manual mode, however option –interactive is deprecated. Beaker kickstart file now correctly contains kickstart command ignoredisk without –interactive option.
    (Contributed by Martin Styk)
  • #1644032: Previously, the /distribution/reservesys task would fail with option RESERVE_IF_FAIL and always reserves all systems. The task now correctly reserves a system only when one of the previous task fail.
    (Contributed by Martin Styk)
  • #1636550: To increase the reliability of installations on S390x Beaker added –cdl option to the clearpart kickstart command.
    (Contributed by Martin Styk)
  • #1652476: Previously, beaker-repo-update would fail to update repositories because the default URL was incorrect. beaker-repo-update now uses correct default URL.
    (Contributed by Martin Styk)
  • #1650337: Updated internal test code to use new URL for dogfood jobs
    (Contributed by Chris Beer)
  • #1579161: The beaker-expire-distros tool now accepts dry-run parameter.
    (Contributed by Martin Styk)
  • #1656272: Improved grammar in beaker-wizard.
    (Contributed by Martin Styk)
  • #1653339: Added documentation for limit parameter in bkr group-list.
    (Contributed by Martin Styk)
  • #1652641: Previously, beaker client would fail to add a task to Beaker task library because the task contained binary data. Beaker client now allows adding a task containing binary data.
    (Contributed by Martin Styk)

Beaker 26.3

  • #1566859: Retired Piwik integration with Beaker.
    (Contributed by Martin Styk)
  • #1614171: Beaker now gives 404 when accessing a non-existent task.
    (Contributed by Tomas Klohna)
  • #1663317: Previously, Beaker Jenkins Jobs (BJJ) contained deprecated commands. BJJ now uses up-to-date commands.
    (Contributed by Chris Beer)
  • #968828: Created documentation for beaker-log-delete.
    (Contributed by Martin Styk)
  • #1663121: BJJ now uses unified Koji instance.
    (Contributed by Martin Styk)
  • #978824: Extended documentation for importing distros.
    (Contributed by Tomas Klohna)
  • #1664750: Beaker now allows to remove/disable repo by Repo ID. You can find which repo IDs are available for a particular distro tree under the Repos tab on the distro tree page.
    (Contributed by Martin Styk)

Beaker 26.4

  • #1181320: All logged in users can now report a problem with working system.
    (Contributed by Tomas Klohna)
  • #1676571: Removed command ignoredisk from kickstart for RHEL8+ and Fedora 29+.
    (Contributed by Martin Styk)
  • #1635309: Fixed a regression in scheduler which caused job abort in case of using <distro> tag and specific host machine.
    (Contributed by Martin Styk)
  • #1602251: Beaker now captures syslog/journal messages produced during the installation.
    (Contributed by Martin Styk)
  • #1655770: System pages show LoanedTo column for easier readability.
    (Contributed by Tomas Klohna)
  • #1685598: Added support for systemd anamon.
    (Contributed by Tomas Klohna)
  • #1604418: Beaker now correctly populates /root/NETBOOT_METHOD.TXT even when perl is missing.
    (Contributed by Martin Styk)
  • #1667340: Pool names are sorted alphabetically.
    (Contributed by Tomas Klohna)
  • #1616163: Possible systems page shows LoanedTo column for easier readability.
    (Contributed by Tomas Klohna)
  • #1689926: Updated restraint BJJ to use static build from fetched tarballs.
    (Contributed by Martin Styk)

Beaker 26.5

  • #1697479: Fixed a regression in anamon which caused extensive writing to logs.
    (Contributed by Martin Styk)
  • #1695029: Previously, Beaker used program:yum in generated kickstarts. Now, Beaker uses dnf when it is available in OS distribution.
    (Contributed by Martin Styk)
  • #1043419: Job Matrix no longer failing with code 500 Internal Error when Job ID field contains non-integer chars.
    (Contributed by Tomas Klohna)
  • #1175584: Removed ability to store duplicate SSH key in Web UI.
    (Contributed by Tomas Klohna)
  • #1672048: Added MODULE key to Key/Value search in Web UI.
    (Contributed by Tomas Klohna)
  • #1229802: Added Notes column to search in Web UI.
    (Contributed by Tomas Klohna)
  • #1414669: Beaker client now allows to filter by group in job-list command.
    (Contributed by Tomas Klohna)
  • #1362048: Task names are fully visible and no longer cropped in Web UI.
    (Contributed by Tomas Klohna)
  • #1597923: Beaker client now supports JSON output for system-details command.
    (Contributed by Carol Bouchard)
  • #1688877: Provisioning system through Reserve System no longer creates Job with an empty whiteboard by default.
    (Contributed by Carol Bouchard)
  • #1409676: Added support for product-update script to send Accept header in HTTP requests.
    (Contributed by Tomas Klohna)
  • #1384491: Previously, Beaker Lab Controller (LC) daemons couldn’t start due to issue in python-gevent package on RHEL 7. Beaker now uses python-gevent package which is not causing any issues in LC daemons.
    (Contributed by Martin Styk)
  • #1686147: Updated documentation for Job XML definition.
    (Contributed by Carol Bouchard)
  • #1654848: Extended OpenStack support.
    (Contributed by Chris Beer)

Beaker 26.6

  • #1704804: Extended beaker-wizard to accept full OSMajor distro names.
    (Contributed by Carol Bouchard)
  • #1719829: Watchdog no longer report user domain general protection fault
    as panic.
    (Contributed by Tomas Klohna)
  • #1751105: Added support to remove all distributions from Lab Controller.
    (Contributed by Martin Styk)
  • #1758124: Fedora 31+ disabled root password login in SSH. This patch
    enables it again to provide consistent experience on all systems under test.
    (Contributed by Martin Styk)
  • #1724650: Fixed race conditions between Python 2.6 and Python 2.7.
    (Contributed by Martin Styk)
  • #1723303: Power scripts apc_snmp and wti now
    supports multiple plugs.
    (Contributed by Martin Styk)
  • #1720067: Added support to run beaker-expire-distros on
    non-local labcontroller.
    (Contributed by Martin Styk)