Execution environment for tasks¶
This sections describes the commands and environment variables which are available in the execution environment for tasks. At a bare minimum, a task should use rhts-report-result to report a Pass or Fail result when it finishes.
The BeakerLib shell library provides many convenience functions on top of these commands, including functions to structure complicated tasks into separate phases.
The following commands are available in PATH
when a task is executed. The
task can use these to interact with Beaker.
These commands originated in the Red Hat Test System (RHTS), the precursor to Beaker, which is why their names begin with the prefix “rhts-“.
rhts-abort -t <type>
Aborts the current recipe, recipe set, or job. A setup task might call this if it detects a failure that will prevent the rest of the recipe from running.
¶ Valid values are
, orjob
. Abort the recipe, the containing recipe set, or the entire job. This option is required.
rhts-backup <file> [<file> ...]
Copies the given files or directories to a temporary storage area for the duration of the task. The files will be copied back to their original location at the end of the task, using the corresponding rhts-restore program.
For example, a task which needs to modify /etc/hosts
could back it up
before modifying it:
rhts-backup /etc/hosts
echo " testing-bad-values" >/etc/hosts
# test some more things here...
When the task finishes, rhts-restore copies the original version of
back, leaving the system in a clean state for the next task.
rhts-power <fqdn> <action>
Sends a power command to another system in the recipe set.
FQDN of the system to be power-controlled.
Power command to send. These correspond to the power commands available in Beaker. Valid values are
, andinterrupt
Saves the harness state, and then reboots the system. Tasks should use this command instead of the conventional reboot command.
The task script should test the REBOOTCOUNT
environment variable
before rebooting, to avoid infinite loops. For example:
if [ "$REBOOTCOUNT" -eq 0 ] ; then
# do some setup work here
# do the real work here
rhts-report-result <testname> <result> <outputfile> [<metric>]
Reports a Pass or Fail result to Beaker. A task can report multiple results (for example, for different phases or cases) but it should report at least one result.
Test name for the result being reported. By convention the result of the entire task is reported as
, and any individual phases or cases within the task are reported as a path underneath$TEST
(for example,$TEST/setup
). However Beaker accepts any string for the test name.
Result to report. Valid values are
, orSKIP
File name of the captured output or logging relevant to this result. The file will be uploaded to Beaker and made available alongside the reported result in Beaker’s interface.
Optional integer “score” or “metric” to be shown alongside this result. Beaker assigns no meaning to this score, the task can use it for any purpose. Some example uses include: the score from a performance test run, the number of test cases executed, or the exit status of a failing command.
Restores files which were previously backed up using rhts-backup. This command is run automatically when a task finishes, there is normally no need to invoke it explicitly in the task.
rhts-run-simple-test [-u <user>] <testname> <command>
Runs the given command, with output redirected to $OUTPUTFILE
, and reports
a Pass or Fail result according to the exit status of the command. If you have
another program or script which does the real work for the task (for example,
a test suite runner), you can use rhts-run-simple-test as a wrapper
around it.
¶ Run the command as user.
Test name to use when reporting the result to Beaker. See rhts-report-result.
Command to run. Note that shell word splitting is applied to command, so any additional arguments should be passed as a single word.
rhts-submit-log -l <file>
Uploads a log file to Beaker. The file will be available in the Beaker results for the current task.
rhts-sync-block -s <state> [--timeout <timeout>] [--any] <fqdn> [<fqdn> ...]
Blocks until the given systems in this recipe set have reached a certain state. Use this command, along with rhts-sync-set, to synchronize between systems in a multihost recipe set.
Refer to Multihost tasks for a more detailed guide.
¶ Wait for the given state. If this option is repeated, the command will return when any of the states has been reached. This option is required.
¶ Return a non-zero exit status after timeout seconds if the state has not been reached. By default no timeout is enforced and the command will block until either the given state is reached on all specified systems or the recipe is aborted by the local or external watchdog.
Return when any of the systems has reached the given state. By default, this command blocks until all systems have reached the state.
<fqdn> [<fqdn> ...]
FQDN of the systems to wait for. At least one FQDN must be given. Use the role environment variables to determine which FQDNs to pass.
rhts-sync-set -s <state>
Sets the given state for this system. Other systems in the recipe set can use rhts-sync-block to wait for a state to be set on other systems.
States are scoped to the current task. That is, states set by the current task will have no effect in subsequent tasks. You can use the matching commands rhts-recipe-sync-set and rhts-recipe-sync-block to set and wait for states that are global for the recipe instead.
Internal commands¶
The following commands are used internally by the harness and should not be invoked by tasks directly:
- rhts-db-submit-result
- rhts-extend
- rhts-system-info
- rhts-test-checkin
- rhts-test-update
Environment variables¶
The harness sets a number of environment variables in the execution environment for tasks. The task can use these to adjust its behaviour as needed.
Task parameters (given in the Beaker job XML using <params/>
) are also
passed to the task as environment variables.
Note that these environment variables will not be set when you log in to the system as a user over SSH or on the console.
¶ The name of the current task.
is an alias for this variable.
¶ Path to the directory containing this task.
¶ NVRA (Name-Version-Release.Arch) of the current task RPM. Deprecated: do not rely on tasks being packaged as RPMs.
¶ Expected run time of this task in seconds. This is declared in the TestTime field in the task metadata (see TestTime), and is the length of time by which the harness extends the watchdog at the start of the task.
¶ -
¶ -
¶ -
¶ Details of the Beaker distro tree which was installed for the current recipe.
¶ Email address of the Beaker user who submitted the current job.
¶ -
¶ -
¶ -
¶ Beaker database IDs for the current job, recipe set, recipe, and recipe-task respectively.
are deprecated aliases forTASKID
¶ Integer counter for tasks in the recipe. The value increases for every subsequent task, and every peer task in the recipe set will have the same value, but note that it does not increase by 1 for each task.
¶ Number of times this task has rebooted. The counter starts at zero when the task is first run, and increments for every reboot. If a task triggers a reboot, it can test this variable to decide which phase of the test to enter so that it doesn’t loop infinitely.
¶ The type of the recipe. Possible values are
for a guest recipe, ormachine
for a host recipe. See Virtualization workflow.
¶ Deprecated. The recommended means of looking up details of guest recipes is to fetch the recipe XML from the lab controller and parse it (see
GET /recipes/(recipe_id)/
¶ Space-separated list of FQDNs of all systems in the current recipe set.
¶ The role for the current recipe. See Multihost tasks.
¶ The role for the current task. See Multihost tasks.
¶ The hostname of a guest recipe’s host. This is retrieved at recipe run time, and is not dynamically updated (i.e if you migrate your guest this variable will not be updated).
Additionally, one environment variable will be set for each recipe role defined in the recipe set. The name of the environment variable is the role name, and its value is a space-separated list of FQDNs of the systems performing that role. Similarly, each task role is set as an environment variable, but note however that task roles are only shared amongst recipes of the same type. That is, task roles for guest recipes are not visible to host recipes, and vice versa. See Multihost tasks for further details.
The following environment variables are set system-wide by Beaker at the start of the recipe.
¶ FQDN of the lab controller which the current system is attached to.
¶ FQDN of the Beaker server.
¶ Whiteboard of the current job.
¶ Recipe whiteboard for the current recipe.