
You are viewing the development version of Beaker's documentation. It is not final and may be changed before the next release.

Customizing the installation

Beaker provides a number of ways to customize the distro installation which happens at the start of each recipe.

Install options

In Beaker, install options are a set of three related argument strings in the form foo=bar baz=qux. Kernel options are passed on the kernel command line when the installer is booted. Post-install kernel options (labelled Kernel Options Post in the web UI) are set in the boot loader configuration, to be passed on the kernel command line after installation. Kickstart metadata variables are passed to the kickstart template engine, and can be used to control the content of the kickstart in various ways.

All three options can be set:

Beaker combines all the install options in the order listed above to determine the effective install options for each recipe. To unset an option of a previous setting, place ! before the option. For example, the following will remove the beaker default kernel option setting of ksdevice=bootif from a user’s job:

<recipe ... kernel_options="!ksdevice" ...>

Kernel options

Most kernel options are passed as-is on the kernel command line when the installer is booted. Refer to the distro documentation for details about kernel options supported by the installer.

The following kernel options are treated specially by Beaker:


This option is passed as-is on the kernel command line. It specifies the kickstart file for Anaconda.

Beaker performs no extra processing on this kernel option, however if it is present Beaker skips all of the normal mechanisms for kickstart generation using templates and variables (described below). The kickstart used for provisioning will be the one given in this option.

initrd=<tftp path>

Extra initrd/initramfs image to load, in addition to the initrd image for the distro installer. Use this to apply updates to the installer image, or to supply additional drivers for installation.

If the boot loader supports multiple initrd images, Beaker extracts the initrd= option from the kernel command line and appends it to the boot loader configuration.

devicetree=<tftp path>

Alternate device tree binary to load. Use this to supply a different device tree binary than the one built into the kernel.

If the boot loader supports passing a device tree to the kernel (currently only GRUB for AArch64), Beaker extracts the devicetree= option from the kernel command line and appends it to the boot loader configuration.

netbootloader=<tftp path to bootloader>

Netboot loader image to use. Beaker creates a symlink so the TFTP path bootloader/fqdn/image serves the specified image.

Set this option if you want to boot an alternative image. For example, if the administrator has made an older version of PXELINUX available in the TFTP root as pxelinux-311.0, you can boot it using netbootloader=pxelinux-311.0.

By default Beaker uses the most suitable boot loader for the chosen distro and architecture:

  • i386/x86_64: pxelinux.0
  • ia64: elilo-ia64.efi
  • ppc: yaboot
  • aarch64: aarch64/bootaa64.efi

For ppc64 and ppc64le, for Fedora, RHEL 7.1 and later:

  • boot/grub2/powerpc-ieee1275/core.elf

and for RHEL 7.0 and earlier:

  • yaboot

Note that this option will have no effect if the system has a hard-coded boot loader filename in the DHCP configuration. For configurable netboot loader support the DHCP configuration must specify the filename as bootloader/fqdn/image. See DHCP and DNS.

Kickstart metadata (ks_meta)

The following variables are supported and can be selected by placing them in the ks_meta attribute in the recipe element. In many cases, these variables correspond to the similarly-named kickstart option.

For example in the job XML:

<recipe kernel_options="" kernel_options_post="" ks_meta="harness=restraint hwclock_is_utc" role="None" whiteboard="Lab Controller">
auth=<authentication configuration options>
Authentication configuration to use. For example, auth='--enableshadow --enablemd5'. See authconfig(8) to learn more.
Partioning scheme for automatic partitioning (must be one of lvm, btrfs, plain and thinp). On supported distros, it is passed as --type <fstype> to the autopart kickstart command. On distros where autopart does not support the --type option, this is ignored.
Name of the Beah RPM to be installed. The value can be any package specification accepted by yum (for example it can include a version, such as beah-0.6.48). The default is beah which installs the latest version from the harness repos. This variable has no effect when using alternative harnesses.
If specified, Beah will not send any log messages to /dev/console. The log messages will still be available in the systemd journal (on systemd-based distros).
If specified, Beah will function in IPv4 only mode even if IPv6 connectivity is possible.
Specify an alternative bootloader. It is passed on to the bootloader kickstart command.

Configure additional network devices to start on boot with DHCP activation. The device should be given as a kernel device name (for example, em1) or MAC address.

Note that the network device used for installation is always set to start on boot with DHCP activation.

This is a list of comps.xml group ids (without the @ symbol) which contain packages conflicting with the rest of the package set, e.g. Samba 3 vs. Samba 4. Empty list is a valid value as well so templates can iterate over the list without testing if the variable has been defined. Usually applicable for RHEL and CentOS.

If specified, runs the test harness and hence the tasks in a Docker container. The test harness to be run defaults to “restraint”. A different test harness can be specified using the harness variable. Also see contained_harness_entrypoint below.

The host distro and architecture must support Docker for this to be possible.


Specify how the harness should be started. This defaults to “/usr/sbin/init” and expects “systemd” to be the process manager. Alternatively, another binary can be specified. The entry point must be in one of the forms understood by Docker’s CMD instruction.

This is only required if the test harness is run in a Docker container. See contained_harness above.


Specify the host volumes to be mounted as read-only inside the container. The default volumes mounted as read-only are /var/log/messages, /etc/localtime and /etc/timezone.

For example, contained_harness_ro_host_volumes='/var/run,/etc' will then mount /var/run and /etc as read-only volumes.


Specify the host volumes to be mounted with write permissions inside the container. The default volumes with write permissions are /mnt and /root.

For example, harness_rw_host_volumes='/myvolume' will then only mount the /myvolume with write permissions.

Disable repo of the given id. By default, the kickstart will include repo. Repo is also created in yum.repos.d/ and enabled. Set this variable if you want to omit repo command in kickstart and disable it in yum.repos.d/. You can find repo id for a particular distro tree under the Repos tab on the distro tree page. For example disable_repo_CRB.
Disable repos of the given types. Valid types include variant, addon, optional, and debug. By default, the kickstart will include all repos of the given type. Repos are also created in yum.repos.d/ and enabled. Set this variable if you want to omit repo command in kickstart and disable them in yum.repos.d/. You can find repo id for a particular distro tree under the Repos tab on the distro tree page. For example disable_debug_repos.
Don’t add the %onerror section to the kickstart. By default the section is added for RHEL 7 and newer. It handles the installation failure reporting it to Beaker and aborting the recipe. This option disables this functionality.
Comma-separated list of network modules to be loaded during installation.
Firewall ports to allow, for example firewall=imap:tcp,1234:ucp,47. If this variable is not set, the firewall is disabled.
Option to be passed directly to the firstboot kickstart command. The complete option string must be given, including -- and =.
Filesystem type for all filesystems. Default is to allow the installer to choose.
Hex address of the I/O port which GRUB should use for serial output. If this variable is set, the value will be passed to the --port option of the serial command in the GRUB configuration. Refer to serial in the GRUB manual.
harness=<alternative harness>

Specify the test harness to use instead of the default test harness, “beah”. With the contained_harness variable specified, this defaults to “restraint”.

To learn more, see the Alternative Harness Guide.


If specified, uses this docker image to build the Docker container that the test runs in. The <image> is expected to be in a form usable in a Dockerfile’s FROM instruction. If contained_harness_entrypoint is not specified, the distro should use “systemd” as the process manager.

If not specified, Beaker will attempt to build the container by fetching the same image as that of the host distro from the Docker public registry. Thus, if Fedora 20 is used on the host machine, the image used will be: “”.

If defined, the hardware clock is assumed to be set in UTC rather than local time. It’s defined by default for guest recipes and dynamic VMs.

Options to be passed directly to the ignoredisk kickstart command. The complete option string must be given, including -- and =.

Use this to skip certain disks during the installation, for example ignoredisk=--drives=sdb,sdc, or to use only certain disks for the installation, for example ignoredisk=--only-use=sda,sdb.


If defined, Beaker will include the packages required by every task in the recipe. The packages will be populated in the kickstart %packages section, causing Anaconda to install them.

For Fedora 29 and RHEL8 and later versions, this variable is not defined by default. The default harness, Restraint, will install task requirements before executing each task.

This variable is defined by default for older distros, where the default harness is Beah. Beah does not install task requirements, instead it relies on the requirements being populated in %packages and installed by Anaconda.

Keyboard layout to use. Default is us.
Change the normal kickstart kernel command line keyword from ‘ks’ to user specified value. This can be useful for instance if wanting to install an operating system like Debian. Could do ks_keyword=preseed and then the kickstart file will be generated but on kernel command it would be present as preseed= as an example. A custom preseed template will need to be created and put in /etc/beaker/kickstarts/. For example if doing a Debian install the file /etc/beaker/kickstarts/Debian should be created.
Locale to use. Default is en_US.UTF-8.
Omits most kickstart commands, causing Anaconda to prompt for details. The effect is similar to booting from install media with no kickstart. Typically it is also necessary to set mode=vnc. For systems with console log monitoring enabled, it will also be necessary to switch off installation failure monitoring.
Installation method to use. Default is nfs, supported alternatives include http and nfs+iso. The specific installation methods supported for a particular distro tree in a particular lab will depend on how the distro was imported into Beaker. The available methods can be determined through the web UI by looking at the URL schemes listed for the distro tree.
Installation mode to use. Valid values are text (curses-like interface), cmdline (plain text with no interaction), graphical (local X server), and vnc (graphical interface over VNC). The default mode is either text or cmdline, depending on arch and distro.
Omits the autopart command. By default when no specific partitions are requested for a recipe, the kickstart will include autopart which causes the installer to automatically select a suitable partition layout. Set this variable if you want to supply explicit partitioning commands in some other way, for example in a <ks_append/> section.
The whole kickstart has to be defined by user in <kickstart /> tag. Default Beaker’s templating is not used; however, user does have access to snippets and restricted context.
Omits the network command. By default when no specific network is requested for a recipe, the kickstart will include network --bootproto=dhcp which causes the installer to obtain it’s networking configuration from DHCP server. Set this variable if you want to supply explicit network setting in kernel options.
Omits repo of the given id. You can find repo id for a particular distro tree under the Repos tab on the distro tree page. For example no_repo_CRB-debuginfo.
Omits repos of the given type. Valid types include variant, addon, optional, and debug. You can find which repo types are available for a particular distro tree under the Repos tab on the distro tree page.
Omits additional packages and scripts which ensure the system clock is synchronized after installation.
If you have your own repository providing a test harness, this variable can be used to prevent Beaker from configuring the default Beaker harness repository in the kickstart.
By default Beaker disables readahead collection, because it is not generally useful in Beaker recipes and the harness interferes with normal data collection. If this variable is set, Beaker omits the snippet which disables readahead collection.
Omits the fedora-updates repo for Fedora.
Specify a relative path to an image file or rpm that contains a squashfs image. For more details, see the kickstart documentation <>
Specify the repo location for rpm-ostree. See has_rpmostree below.
Specify the remote ref for rpm-ostree. See has_rpmostree below.

Colon-separated list of package names to be installed during provisioning. If this variable is set, it replaces any packages defined by default in the kickstart templates. It also replaces any packages requested by the recipe, including task requirements.

In a recipe, considering using the <package/> element instead. This augments the package list instead of replacing it completely.

Root password to use. Must be encrypted in the conventional crypt(3) format.
Options to pass to the %packages section in the kickstart file. If this variable is set, it overrides the default option --ignoremissing. See the kickstart documentation <> for the available options to %packages.
Specify a URL to a script to be executed post-install. The script must specify a interpreter using the #! line if not a bash script. This is especially useful for systems set to Manual mode. If you are scheduling a job, a simpler alternative is to embed a %post scriptlet directly in your job XML using the <ks_append/> element.
Filesystem type for the root filesystem. Default is to allow the installer to choose.
Comma-separated list of SCSI modules to be loaded during installation.
SELinux state to set. Valid values are --disabled, --permissive, and --enforcing. Default is --enforcing.
Do not configure X on the installed system. This is needed for headless systems which lack graphics support.
Configure skip_if_unavailable yum repo attribute for task repository. Default value is 0.

Configure one or more network devices to start on boot with static IPv4 addresses. The device should be given as a kernel device name (for example, em1) or MAC address. The IPv4 address should be given with its netmask in CIDR notation (for example,

Note that the network device used for installation is always set to start on boot with DHCP activation.

Size of the swap partition in MB.
Time zone to use. Default is America/New_York unless overridden by the administrator.

Extra command-line options which will be passed to all invocations of yum install which Beaker produces in the generated kickstart.

On RHEL3 and RHEL4 this variable defaults to “-d 1” which inhibits Yum’s progress bar made up of hashes which can take a long time to print. On newer releases, where Yum’s progress bar produces less output, this variable is undefined.

Distro features

The following kickstart metadata variables are used to test for installer or distro features. Beaker populates these variables automatically by inspecting the distro name and version. They can be overridden if necessary for custom distros.

Recommended size of the /boot partition according to the product documentation. This is only populated for RHEL 6 and older releases, where the installer does not support the --recommended option for the part command. In newer releases the installer correctly determines the recommended size.
The package name for Docker container engine is docker-io on Fedora 20/21 and docker starting with Fedora rawhide (bugzilla report), CentOS 7 and RHEL 7.
Set to %end on distros which support it, or to the empty string on older distros.
Indicates that the autopart kickstart command accepts a --type option.
Indicates that chrony is available in the distro.
Indicates that the DHCP client obeys option 26 for controlling the network interface MTU. Support for this DHCP option is required for a recipe to run successfully in OpenStack. All modern distributions from RHEL 5 onwards support this.

Indicates that the installer is capable of formatting disks using GPT on x86 systems with BIOS firmware.

This support is needed for disks larger than 2TB and it requires an extra “BIOS boot” partition to be defined.

Indicates that the distro requires the key command. This command exists only on RHEL 5 and CentOS 5.
Indicates that the bootloader command accepts a --leavebootorder option.
Indicates that the repo command accepts a --cost option.
Indicates that the installer supports the reqpart command for adding platform-specific partition requirements.

If specified, Beaker assumes that the specified distribution is rpm-ostree based (an Atomic host, for example). The test harness is run inside a Docker container and the tests are run inside it instead of the host system. The OSTree location and ref must be specified using ostree_repo_url and ostree_ref respectively.

Also, see harness_docker_base_image and contained_harness_entrypoint above.

Indicates that the distro uses systemd rather than SysV init.
Indicates that the unsupported_hardware kickstart command is accepted.
Unset, except on older distros which require the yum package to be fetched and installed.

Appended kickstart content

In your job XML you can specify extra content to be appended to the generated kickstart, using the <ks_appends/> element. For example:

echo "This is my extra %post script"

Custom kickstart templates

You can also specify a complete kickstart template in your job XML, using the <kickstart/> element. Note that if a custom template is supplied, the other customization mechanisms described above (ksmeta= and <ks_appends/>) will have no effect, unless the custom template also obeys those customizations.

Beaker’s kickstart templates are written in the Jinja2 templating language. Refer to the Jinja2 documentation for details of the template syntax and built-in constructs which are available to all templates.

All kickstart metadata variables are available to the kickstart template. That includes variables set on the recipe, the system, the distro, the OS major, and system-wide in the Beaker configuration. It also includes distro feature variables (see Distro features above) which are particularly useful in kickstart templates for handling differences between distros and versions.

A number of additional Beaker-specific Jinja filters, tests, and variables are defined in the template environment. They are described below.

Jinja filters

dictsplit(delim=', ', pairsep=':')

Returns a dict based on a sequence of key-value pairs encoded in a string, like this:


Parses a URL using urlparse.urlparse().


Quotes a string using pipes.quote(), suitable for interpolation as an argument into a shell command.


Splits on whitespace, or the given delimiter. See string.split().


Resolves a relative URL against a base URL. For example:

{{ ''|urljoin('RHEL-6.2/') }}

will evaluate to in the kickstart.

Jinja tests

arch(arch, ...)

Tests whether a distro tree’s arch matches any of the given arches. For example:

{% if distro_tree is arch('i386', 'x86_64') %}
osmajor(osmajor, ...)

Tests whether a distro matches any of the given OS major names. For example:

{% if distro is osmajor('CentOS6', 'RedHatEnterpriseLinux6') %}

In most cases it is preferable to use a distro feature variable rather than hard-coding all possible OS major names.

osversion(osversion, ...)

Tests whether a distro matches any of the given OS versions. For example:

{% if distro is osversion('CentOS6.0', 'RedHatEnterpriseLinux6.0') %}

Template variables

absolute_url(path, **kwargs)

A function which returns the absolute URL to the given path within the Beaker application. kwargs are converted to query parameters.


The built-in chr function, which returns a byte with the given integer value.


The distro which is being provisioned. This object has the following attributes:

Name of the distro, for example “Fedora-Server-21_Alpha”.
Object representing the distro’s version.
OS minor version (the portion after the first period).
Object representing the OS major version.
Name portion of the OS major version, for example “Fedora”.
Numerical portion of the OS major version, for example “21”. Note that this is a string, not an integer, because it might be “rawhide”.
Complete OS major version string, for example “Fedora21”.

The distro tree which is being provisioned. This object has the following attributes:

Object representing the CPU architecture which this tree was built for.
Name of the CPU architecture which this tree was built for, for example “x86_64”.
A method which returns a URL for this distro tree in the given lab.
Name of the distro variant, for example “Server”. This may also be empty.

Repository used to download harness RPMs from. For example:

{% if harnessrepo %}
    {% set repo_name, repo_url = harnessrepo.split(',', 1) %}
    repo --name={{ repo_name }} --baseurl={{ repo_url }}
{% endif %}

The value of the job whiteboard.


Post-install kernel options from the install options.


List of string containing extra kickstart content supplied by the job submitter in the <ks_appends/> element.


The lab controller where the system is being provisioned.

The fully-qualified domain name of the lab controller.

The Python netaddr module for manipulating network addresses.


The built-in ord function, which returns the integer ordinal of the given character.


The Python re module, for evaluating regular expressions.


The recipe to be run on the provisioned system. This object has the following attributes:

The recipe id. This is used when configuring the harness, and in many harness-related APIs.
The recipe whiteboard, a user-supplied description of this recipe.
This recipe’s role in a multi-host recipe set, for example SERVERS.

The value of the recipe whiteboard.


A function which evaluates the named snippet and returns the result. If no template is found for the snippet, returns a comment to that effect.

This is also available as a Jinja statement, for example:

{% snippet 'network' %}

Repository used to download tasks RPMs from. This is independent for each job. For example:

{% if taskrepo %}
    {% set repo_name, repo_url = taskrepo.split(',', 1) %}
    repo --name={{ repo_name }} --baseurl={{ repo_url }}
{% endif %}

A function which returns the value of the template variable with the given name.