
You are viewing the development version of Beaker's documentation. It is not final and may be changed before the next release.

Beaker’s capabilities

Beaker is a full stack software and hardware integration testing system, with the ability to manage a globally distributed network of test labs.


This page describes Beaker’s capabilities as they currently exist. For more on how these capabilities are likely to evolve into the future, see the technical roadmap. In particular, we already allow the use of alternative test harnesses (notably autotest) that shouldn’t need to rely on the RPM based task library and are planning to further reduce the reliance on Fedora specific technology (such as anaconda and yum) by permitting dynamic provisioning through an associated OpenStack instance.

Beaker serves two primary purposes:

  • It supports execution of complex multi-system test scenarios, collecting and publishing summary results and detailed logs
  • It supports full stack integration testing of Fedora and derivatives (including Red Hat Enterprise Linux). This includes testing the installer, virtualization capabilities, a wide variety of hardware drivers, as well as ensuring other software components work correctly on a range of Fedora derived platforms.

It is the hardware inventory features needed to achieve the second aim that distinguishes Beaker from most other task execution systems.

Beaker jobs

The core concept in Beaker is that of a job. Jobs collect together a number of “recipe sets” for reporting purposes, so that if any one recipe set in the job fails, the overall job is also reported as a failure.

The Job matrix report allows users to get an overview of the behaviour of the tasks within a job across multiple architectures.

Aside from the combined reporting, the recipe sets in a job have no special relationship to each other - they are scheduled independently, may run in an arbitrary order and may run in different hardware labs.

Jobs specifications are covered in some depth in the Job XML section of the user guide.

Recipe sets

Each recipe set in a job defines a collection of recipes that will be executed as a group. This means that all recipes in a given recipe set will be executed in the same hardware lab, that the recipes will only be started once the last recipe in the set has been assigned a system, and that those systems will only be released once all recipes in the recipe set have completed.


Each recipe in a recipe set defines the characteristics of a system to be used to run the recipe, as well as the operating system distribution to be provisioned on that system. The recipe also defines the tasks that are to be executed as part of the recipe. In addition to running tasks directly on the system, recipes may also define guest recipes, which will be created automatically as virtual machines on the machine running the host recipe.

Recipes may also include various items to customise the kickstart file that is used when provisioning the system.


As part of the dynamic virtualization feature described below, we are investigating the ability to use image based provisioning in OpenStack for recipes which do not have specific hardware requirements and aren’t specifically aimed at testing the installer or otherwise require execution on a fresh installation to a bare metal system.

Test harnesses

Actually executing tasks on a provisioned system requires a test harness. Beaker uses the RPM-based beah as its default harness, but the use of other harnesses can be requested in the recipe definition as defined in the Alternative Harness Guide.


For recipes using the default test harness (beah) each task in a recipe refers to a named task from the task library. These tasks are RPMs that will be installed and executed on the target system.

Alternative test harnesses also make use of the task specification format, but the exact interpretation will be up to the specific test harness.

Guest recipes

To better support testing of hypervisor functionality, recipes may also include guest recipe definitions. These are identical to full recipe definitions, but rather than being provisioned directly by Beaker, they are provisioned as local virtual machines by a task running on the host system.


The tasks that are currently provided for controlling guest recipes are included in Beaker’s git repository only as RPMs. This may change in the future.


Beaker allows the recording of results against tasks as Pass, Fail and Warn. A given task may have an unlimited number of results recorded against it, with the worst result taken as the overall result of the task (so one or more failures means the task fails, while one or more warnings means it is a warning). If a task reports no results at all, that is interpreted as a failure (as it may indicate the task never ran at all).

Task results are aggegated to recipe results, recipe results are aggregated to recipe set results and recipe set results are aggregated to job results in a similar fashion.

Result comments and waivers

Beaker has an optional mechanism for reviewing job results.

Each recipe set in a job can be annotated with a response: either “ack” (acknowledgment), indicating that the results have been reviewed and are valid, or “nak” (negative acknowledgment), indicating that the results have been reviewed and are waived. A failure could be waived if it was caused by a problem in the external environment and is not related to the components being tested (for example, an outage of the lab network). The recipe set can also be annotated with a comment explaining the reason for the review.

Reviewing results is optional. If all results in the recipe set are Pass, its response is set to “ack” by default. Otherwise the recipe set is marked “needs review” until a reviewer updates the response to “ack” or “nak”.

Watchdog timers

Low level operating system testing is prone to rendering a machine completely unresponsive, especially when testing experimental code. Accordingly, Beaker supports two levels of watchdog timer, one running as part of the test harness (called the “Local Watchdog”) and one running on the lab controller associated with the system running the recipe (called the “External Watchdog”).

If the local watchdog times out, it will abort the current task and attempt to move on to the next one. If the external watchdog times out, it will abort the entire recipe. Tasks are able to adjust the watchdogs dynamically if they need more time, allowing the use of more aggressive default timeouts.

Log collection, monitoring, and archiving

To help analyse failures, Beaker allows test harnesses to upload log files (either in one piece or as multiple fragments). Logs can be uploaded at the result, task and recipe levels.

In conjunction with an external console logging system (such as conserver), Beaker also supports the automatic capture of the console logs for the duration of provisioning and execution of a recipe. Console logs are also captured automatically when running guest recipes (as Beaker configures the hypervisor to collect the logs and pass them to the lab controller).

Beaker can optionally scan console logs to detect kernel panics and failed installations as soon as they happen (see Job monitoring).

Since preserving logs indefinitely may take up an undesirable amount of space, Beaker also allows jobs to be tagged with a retention tag that indicates when the logs should be deleted (with an association log deletion script that should be run regularly, preferably in cron). See Log archiving for more information.

Automatic SSH configuration

Beaker allows users to register a public SSH key with the main server. When systems are provisioned for a job, the job owner (and, for explicit group jobs, their fellow group members) will be granted SSH access to the provisioned systems.

Automatic system reservation

When using a test harness that supports the task library, the reservesys task may be used to request that the system be automatically reserved after completion of the task (or only if the task fails).

This allows the job owner to log in via SSH and investigate the failure, which is essential when testing against hardware the user doesn’t have available locally.


A more reliable automatic reservation mechanism is planned, which will allow systems to be reserved even when aborted by the external watchdog, as well as when using a harness that doesn’t support the task library.

Job matrix report

The job matrix report is used to provide an overview of the behaviour of integration tests across multiple architectures. Using either specific job identifiers or aggregating the results of multiple jobs with a common whiteboard setting, the matrix report displays a summary of the results of the tasks within the selected jobs, grouped by architecture.

The matrix report can be filtered to exclude any results that have been waived as part of the results review.

System provisioning

Actually executing tasks requires that a system be provisioned, and the appropriate operating system and test harness installed.

Beaker currently handles these operations through PXE booting (for the initial operating system installation) and Anaconda kickstart files.

Lab controllers

Every system in Beaker is associated with a specific lab controller. Lab controllers run a TFTP server where they install the appropriate PXE boot files to provision systems with the requested distribution.

The lab controller must be supported by a properly configured DHCP server, which instructs systems to retrieving the PXE boot files from the lab controller’s TFTP server.

Lab controllers also provide the interfaces that allow tasks to report results and upload logs, and provide interfaces to both tasks and the main server to control the power state of systems (this external power control is also used as the mechanism that attempts to restore a system to a useful start after an external watchdog timeouts).

Multiple lab controllers may be located at a single site (e.g. for network isolation), or they may be geographically separated. Note that having multiple small labs rather than one large one will limit the size of the multi-host jobs which can be effectively scheduled.


Beaker is primarily built to handle integration testing of a full operating system. This is most clearly indicated by the current approach to system provisioning: Beaker always provisions machines from bare metal, and provides a rich query mechanism to choose the specific distro tree to install.

As Beaker assumes lab controllers may be geographically distributed, distros must be imported separately from a local mirror for each lab controller. Recipe sets that include recipes with specific distribution requirements will only consider systems in labs with those distributions available.

Beaker allows distros to be tagged with arbitary labels. In combination with the distro update script that tags new distros as stable only if they’re installed successfully on all supported architectures, this means higher level tests can be written to ensure they have at least been checked to ensure they can be installed successfully.

Power scripts

To handle power cycling and rebooting systems, Beaker requires remote power control. This is handled through the use of “power scripts”, which must be installed locally on the lab controller. Several power scripts are shipped as part of the Beaker software, including scripts for controlling power through the ipmitool command line client and externally created virtual machines through virsh.

Hardware inventory scan

The inventory task can be run on systems in Beaker to upload a detailed analysis of the system components to Beaker. This information can then be used when submitting recipes to request that they be run on specific architectures, systems with specific hardware installed, virtual machines running on particular hypervisors, etc.

System loans, manual and forced provisioning

Large Beaker installations are likely to include esoteric hardware that may not be available elsewhere within an organisation.

Beaker provides a “loan” mechanism, where systems may be temporarily made available to specific users for their exclusive use, regardless of whether or not the user would normally have access to that system.

Systems may be placed in “manual” mode, which means users can provision a distro directly without worrying about interference from the automated scheduler.

Capability for “forced provisioning” a system is also available via the force attribute of the <hostRequires/> element (See forced system provisioning). An example of why this capability is useful is that it allows running diagnostic jobs on systems marked as broken before they are considered ready for use again.

Dynamic virtualization

Dynamic virtualization is an experimental feature of Beaker, that aims to avoid the limitations of always provisioning systems from bare metal using kickstart files, without reinventing capabilities already provided by existing open source Infrastructure-as-a-Service components.

There is an initial limited capabability (based on oVirt engine) that still relies on kickstart files for installation and configuration, but it is expected that this will be replaced with a more efficient mechanism based on OpenStack (including the post-install code execution tools provided by Nova, the OpenStack Compute component).

Other supporting capabilities

User and group management

Effectively sharing access to thousands of systems by hundreds of users requesting execution of millions of task is not a simple problem.

Beaker’s user and group management features are designed to help assist with this. The group model allows ad hoc creation of groups by users, or else admins can create predefined groups based on an external LDAP service.

Once groups are defined, they can be used to share job access, as well as to share rights to use and manage systems and groups.

The “submission delegation” feature also allows users to grant other users the ability to submit jobs on their behalf, which is useful for test automation purposes.

Web services

The main Beaker server currently exposes functionality to clients over both XML-RPC and HTTP. This interface is documented here.

While the native beah test harness uses XML-RPC to communicate with the lab controller, the public lab controller API for use by alternative harnesses is based on HTTP. It is documented here.

Incidental functionality

There are certain ways of using Beaker, that, while necessarily possible due to the way Beaker works, aren’t recommended. Feature requests related solely to these ways of (ab)using Beaker that don’t benefit the primary task execution use cases for the project are almost certain to be rejected.


The mechanisms that Beaker provides to aid in fault investigation and effective sharing of unusual hardware configurations can also be used with commodity hardware to provide a basic “Infrastructure-as-a-Service” capability.

However, while using Beaker this way may be an improvement over managing systems manually, Beaker does not aim to compete with actual Infrastructure-as-a-Service related projects like oVirt Engine and OpenStack.

Legacy functionality

Current versions of Beaker also offer some legacy functionality that may be in use as part of existing Beaker installations, and thus is not subject to immediate deprecation.

Asset management

Beaker includes some rudimentary capabilities for asset management of systems (physical location data, purchase prices, etc). This functionality is now considered to be outside Beaker’s scope. It is retained solely for the benefit of existing installations that have not yet migrated to a full data centre inventory management solution (such as OpenDCIM).