
You are viewing the development version of Beaker's documentation. It is not final and may be changed before the next release.

Reporting from the Beaker database

Beaker’s integration with Graphite can provide useful insights into the real-time health and performance of your Beaker installation (see Integration with Graphite). However, for more in-depth analysis you may prefer to use an external query/reporting tool to extract data directly from Beaker’s database.

Beaker’s source includes a number of supported reporting queries which may be useful for your Beaker site. They are installed with the beaker-server package under /usr/lib/python*/site-packages/bkr/server/reporting-queries, or you can browse the queries online in Beaker’s git (be sure to select the correct branch for your version of Beaker). These queries are “supported” in the sense that they are tested by Beaker’s test suite, and if the queries require changes in future releases this will be called out in the release notes. Advance warning will also be provided for any such changes on the beaker-devel mailing list.

The supported SQL queries are written using the MySQL SQL dialect, and automatically tested against MySQL. Accordingly, they may require translation in order to be used with tools based on other SQL dialects.

These queries are intended to provide guidance for “interesting questions” that a business intelligence system connected to Beaker may want to answer. They can be tweaked to use different statistical functions, query different date ranges, adapt filtering rules from another supported query, parametrized in a reporting tool, etc.

As noted above, Beaker’s database schema is subject to change in future releases. If your external reporting queries stray beyond the schema assumptions captured in the supported queries, then your queries may break without notice when upgrading to a new Beaker release. If this occurs, you must then examine the detailed schema upgrade notes for that release and ensure the reporting tool’s queries are updated as necessary.

Suggestions for additional supported queries are welcome, and may be filed as enhancement requests for the Beaker community project in GitHub.