
You are viewing the development version of Beaker's documentation. It is not final and may be changed before the next release.


Pre-built Beaker packages are available from the Download section of Beaker’s web site. There are two main repos. One containing packages needed for installing the Beaker server and required components, another for packages needed to run the Beaker client. Download the repo file that suits your requirements and copy it to /etc/yum.repos.d.

Installing the Beaker server

Start by installing the beaker-server package:

$ yum install beaker-server

Preparing the database

Beaker uses the SQLAlchemy database library, which supports a large number of databases (including MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Oracle, and Microsoft SQL Server) provided that a suitable client driver is installed. However Beaker is only tested against MariaDB, so it is recommended to use that.

First, make sure MariaDB server is installed, and configure the daemon to run at startup:

$ yum install -y mariadb-server MySQL-python
$ systemctl enable mariadb

For Unicode support in Beaker, it is recommended to configure MariaDB to store strings as UTF-8. This is controlled by the character-set-server option in /etc/my.cnf:


Now start the MySQL server:

$ systemctl start mariadb

Create a database, and grant access to a user. You can put the database on the local machine, or on a remote machine.

$ echo "create database <db_name> ;" | mysql
$ echo "create user <user_name> ;" | mysql
$ echo "grant all on <db_name>.* to <user_name> IDENTIFIED BY '<password>';"| mysql

Update /etc/beaker/server.cfg with the details of the database:

sqlalchemy.dburi = "mysql://<user_name>:<password>@<hostname>/<db_name>?charset=utf8"

Now let’s initialise our DB with tables. We’ll also create an admin account called admin with password testing, and email root@localhost.

$ beaker-init -u admin -p testing -e root@localhost

Starting Beaker

We are now ready to start the Beaker service. It is strongly recommended that the Apache configuration be updated to serve Beaker over HTTPS rather than HTTP.

First make sure Apache is on and configured to run on startup:

$ systemctl enable httpd
$ systemctl start httpd

We unfortunately need to switch SELinux off on the main Beaker server.

$ setenforce 0

The appropriate port (80/443 for HTTP/HTTPS) must also be open in the server firewall.

Start the Beaker scheduling daemon and configure it to run on startup.

$ systemctl enable beakerd
$ systemctl start beakerd

To make sure Beaker is running, open the URL configured in Apache in a browser.

Adding a lab controller

Beaker uses lab controllers to manage the systems in its inventory. The lab controller serves files for network booting, monitors console logs, and executes fence commands to reboot systems.

In small Beaker installations, the lab controller can be the same system as the Beaker server.

External services

Beaker expects DHCP, DNS, and NTP services to be available in the lab, with the appropriate TFTP, DNS and NTP details provided to test systems by the DHCP server.

The TFTP service must run directly on the lab controller to allow Beaker to correctly provision test systems. The DHCP, DNS and NTP services may be run on the lab controller, but do not need to be.

A serial console server is also a useful addition to the lab configuration (as it can provide useful diagnostic information for failure, and allows Beaker to monitor the console log for kernel panics), but Beaker will operate correctly without one.

Registering the lab controller

To start with, we need to make Beaker aware of the new lab controller. Log in to Beaker using your administrator account created above, and select Admin → Lab Controllers from the menu. Click “Add ( + )” to add a new lab controller.

The new lab controller form requires the following fields:

  • FQDN: This is the fully qualified domain name of the lab controller.
  • Username: This is the login name that the lab controller will use to login to beaker. Because this is a machine account we recommend prepending it with host/, so for example host/
  • Password: This is the password that goes along with the username, again we will use: testing
  • Lab Controller Email Address: All user accounts require a unique email address, you can use root@FQDN of lab controller.

Save the form and we are done with the server side for now.

Configuring the lab controller

Install the lab controller package:

$ yum install beaker-lab-controller

Settings for the lab controller daemons are in /etc/beaker/labcontroller.conf. At a minimum you will need to change the following settings:

  • HUB_URL: The URL of your Beaker server without the trailing slash. If the lab controller and server are the same machine then the default value https://localhost/bkr is adequate.
  • USERNAME, PASSWORD: The username and password which the lab controller will use when logging in to Beaker. This is the username and password you picked when registering the lab controller above.

Turn on Apache:

$ systemctl enable httpd
$ systemctl start httpd

By default, Beaker stores log files for jobs locally on the lab controller and publishes them through Apache. The beaker-transfer daemon can be configured to move log files for completed recipes to a separate archive server. The relevant settings to configure this are described in /etc/beaker/labcontroller.conf.

Turn on tftp:

$ systemctl enable xinetd
$ systemctl enable tftp
$ systemctl start xinetd

You can also use dnsmasq or any other TFTP server implementation. If your TFTP server is configured to use a root directory other than the default /var/lib/tftpboot you will need to set the TFTP_ROOT option in /etc/beaker/labcontroller.conf.

The beaker-proxy daemon handles XML-RPC requests from within the lab and proxies them to the server.

$ systemctl enable beaker-proxy
$ systemctl start beaker-proxy

The beaker-watchdog daemon monitors systems and aborts their recipes if they panic or exceed the time limit.

$ systemctl enable beaker-watchdog
$ systemctl start beaker-watchdog

The beaker-provision daemon writes netboot configuration files in the TFTP root directory and runs fence commands to reboot systems.

$ systemctl enable beaker-provision
$ systemctl start beaker-provision

Beaker installs a configuration file into /etc/sudoers.d so that beaker-proxy (running as apache) can clear the TFTP netboot files for specific servers (owned by root). To ensure that Beaker lab controllers read this directory, the following command must be enabled in /etc/sudoers (it is enabled by default from RHEL 6 forward):

#includedir /etc/sudoers.d

The appropriate ports (80/443 for HTTP/HTTPS access to log files through Apache, 8000 for test system access to beaker-proxy and 69 for TFTP) must also be open in the lab controller firewall.

Adding the core Beaker tasks

There are a number of standard tasks that are expected to be available in every Beaker installation. You should add these to your Beaker installation before attempting to run jobs.

You can build and upload most of the tasks from source by cloning the beaker-core-tasks git repository, or fetch a pre-built version of the tasks as RPMs from

The guest recipe related /distribution/virt/* tasks are currently only available as pre-built RPMs.

Copying the tasks from an existing Beaker installation

Alternatively, you can copy all the tasks from another Beaker instance using the beaker-sync-tasks tool (distributed as a part of the beaker-server package and first available with the 0.12 release). For example:

$ beaker-sync-tasks --remote=

The above command will copy all the tasks, including the standard tasks, from the Beaker instance at to the local instance. If there are tasks having the same name in the local Beaker instance, they will be overwritten only if the versions are different.

By default, the script asks for your approval before beginning the task upload. If that is not suitable for your purpose, you may specify a --force switch so that the script may run without any user intervention. The --debug switch turns on verbose logging messages on the standard output.

Next steps

You can now proceed to adding tasks, importing distros, adding systems, and running jobs.